Conference time, is the time to meet up with old friends, meet new, all coming together sharing the passion for gardening, knowledge, and meeting other people volunteering to make an impact on their own communities.
Reunion |
It is a time of experts in their field stimulating us to want to do a better job more intelligently. We had several choices of subject matter and speakers. Prior to the event we signed up for the speaker and subject.
We had the privilege of Dr Michael Dirr talking to us about the use of trees and shrubs and the need of trying new species. He gave us a virtual tour of his personal gardens. Dr Dirr is a very personable speaker . He wrote the bible on trees. Everyone needs his book in your library.
Janice Kirchenbauer and Dr. Dirr Book Signing |
Sue Steinen and Dr. Dirr on Noble Trees |
Bill Hahn is the Arborist and Horticulturist for the city of Akron. He stressed the use of tough trees for urban areas. Our Park Director, Sue Heppeard, would have loved this segment.
Bill Hahn, City of Akron Arborist and Horticulturist |
Dr. Dan Herms, a Professor, State Extension Specialist, and Chair in the Department of Entomology at The Ohio State University , talked about how to avoid disease by design to control insects.
Dan Herms, Ph.D. Department of Entomology, OSU |
Dr. Doug Tallamy was full of knowledge and information, plus had a great sense of humor with his presentation . He certainly kept our attention, not only with the subject matter but a lesson on public speaking. He knew his subject and could have fun with it. I loved him.
Dr. Doug Tallamy and me |
Pam Bennett, our State Master Gardener Volunteer Program Director, gave out awards and reported on the value of the Master Gardener program. Her excitement transfers to all of us around her. There are over 3,500 Master Gardeners around our state giving hundreds of hours to their communities.
There were vendors offering up unique products for purchase. Had to have it.
Fun Stuff |
The Summit County Master Gardeners did a great job correlating this conference. The speakers, accommodations, and the food were excellent. It was a completely filled event. Do plan to attend next year, mark your calendar.
Feeling inspired.